About Me

I’m Sew Obsessed!

2016 brought with it my graduation from university and a long sprawling summer with which I had nothing to do. Until I found sewing and just like that my life was transformed!

A quilt kit bought years earlier from the sadly now-closed, Quilt Room, finally made its way out of retirement and into the light. I spent the next few months learning how to cut and measure accurately. I could do neither. And then I spent the following months unpicking and learning why cutting and measuring was important. But mostly I fell in love with sewing; making, designing and creating something unique and beautiful.

3 years later a hiatus from hospitality gave me an opportunity to work with beautiful fabrics and the kindest, most talented ladies at The Quilt Room; the oldest quilt shop in the UK. I can’t tell you how much I was taught and encouraged by them and the fabric discount was a real treat! Not only did I make some friends for life but I was set on a pathway of becoming a quilter. In fact, it’s thanks to them that I’ve made it this far. I told you they were important.

I’ve now made over 55 quilts. Every bed, chair, table etc in my house is covered with fabric and there are only so many projects you can gift to friends and family, so it seems a good time to start sharing.

So welcome to BoWES | SEWs; a place where we can all rejoice in colourful quilts and handmade sewing. If you’ve just come for a browse, I hope you’re enjoying yourself but if you’ve stopped by to buy then I hope your new quilt will make you as happy as I’ve been creating it and I hope you love it as much as I do…


BoWES | SEWs (Yes, it rhymes!)
